Doon International School Kupwara is a day school located on Batergam-Gulgam road. DIS is in fact and spirit an international school, catering to the needs of students from Kupwara district. It prepares students according to the standards prevailing in various countries, including India. The courses of study as well as norms of achievement in every field are aimed at preparing students for the educational qualifications acceptable throughout the world. The curriculum for the school students is based on syllabi laid down by the reputed Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi commonly known as C.B.S.E.

Our Academics

Doon International School has a board based curriculum which anticipates the increasing range of opportunities for the bright future of the children. We nurture children to be responsible adults and outstanding leaders who will make useful contribution to the society.

The School Programme
At the Doon International School interaction with the children is a round the clock engagement. In case of boarders, it is a school as well as their home and place of recreation and rest. The programme is so devised as to keep them occupied in worthwhile activities in order to develop their personality and character. Hence a large number of co-curricular and extra curricular activities are an integral part of the school programme.

The Day's Routine
The daily routine begins with their early morning chores, after which the children assemble for the morning physical training. This is followed by an hour of preparatory classes, to prepare for what ever they have to study during the day. The school assembly is followed by the regular class room schedule. This consists of 40 minute periods interspersed by a lunch recess and a tea break.