Our Activities


Creative Skills

We believe that creative achievement creates a confident human with great self worth and esteem. Music & theatre, pottery & paintings, crafting models are not extra curricular activities; they are co-curricular activities integrated into their course of study to let the children understand how all learning is interconnected-baking with chemistry, bowling with physics, music with mathematics.


Personality Development

Students grow in various directions, their interests are kindled by various, stimuli; their awareness expands in direct portion to multi dimensional exposure directed at them. Recognising this, debates, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions, are all organised to build an interest and awareness in what is happening in the world around them and equip them with the required confidence and ability.


Games & Sports

In order to keep the children fit in mind and body, each child is required to participate in one or more games or sports specially in those in which he/she excels. The school has arrangements for regular sports practice in all popular sports such as badminton, cricket, hockey,  football, table tennis, athletics, basketball skating etc. The school also provides facilities for horse riding, and training in body building and self defence activities.



The school considers educational tours, treks and outings as an integral part of a child's complete education. It is deemed desirable that all children participate in tours, treks and outings organized at school level twice a year in order to inculcate in them sensitivity towards the environment, geographical diversity and ways of living of people of various regions and familiarize them to their ancient and modern culture and civilization.
